书山有路勤为径 , 译海无涯精作舟

钟灵翻译 , 译贯中西


书山有路勤为径 , 译海无涯精作舟



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[建筑行业标准英文翻译]GB 50352-2019《民用建筑设计统一标准》术语|Uniform Standard for Design of Civil Buildings


民用建筑                                        Civil building

居住建筑                                       Residential building

公共建筑                                        Public building

无障碍设施                                   Accessibility facilities

建筑基地                                        Construction site

道路红线                                       Boundary line of roads

用地红线                                        Property line

建筑控制线                                   Building line

建筑密度                                       Building density; building coverage ratio 

容积率                                            Plot ratio; floor area ratio

绿地率                                            Greening rate

日照标准                                       Insolation standard

层高                                                Storey height

室内净高                                       Interior clear height

地下室                                            Basement

半地下室                                       Semi-basement

设备层                                           Equipment floor

避难层                                            Refuge storey

架空层                                            Open floor

台阶                                                Step

临空高度                                       The vertical height between two open space

坡道                                                Ramp

栏杆                                               Railing

楼梯                                               Stair

变形缝                                            Deformation joint

建筑幕墙                                       Building curtain wall

吊顶                                                Suspended ceiling

管道井                                            Pipe shaft

烟道                                                Smoke uptake; smoke flue

通风道                                            Air shaft

装修                                                Decoration; finishing

采光                                               Daylighting

采光系数                                        Daylight factor

采光系数标准值                            Standard value of daylight factor

通风                                                Ventilation

噪声                                                Noise

建筑连接体                                    Building connection

                                              General Provisions


基本规定                                        Basic requirements

民用建筑分类                                Classification of civil buildings

设计使用年限                                Designed service life

建筑气候分区对建筑基本要求    Basic requirements of climate region of building

建筑与环境                                    Architecture and environment

建筑模数                                        Building module

防灾避难                                        Disaster prevention and asylum

规划控制                                        Planning control

城乡规划及城市设计                    Urban planning and city design

建筑突出物                                    Building surface eruption

建筑连接体                                    Building connection

建筑高度                                        Building height

场地设计                                        Site planning

建筑布局                                        Architectural composition

道路与停车场                                Road and parking lot

                                              Vertical design

绿                                               Greening design

工程管线布置                                Layout of pipeline engineering

建筑物设计                                    Architecture design

建筑标定人数的确定                    Determine the number of building calibration

平面布置                                        Layout design

层高和室内净高                            Storey height and interior clear height

地下室和半地下室                        Basement and semi-basement

设备层、避难层和架空层            Equipment floor, refuge storey and open floor

台阶、坡道和栏杆                        Steps, ramps and railings


电梯、自动扶梯和自动人行道    Elevator, escalators and moving walkways

墙身和变形缝                                Wall detail and deformation joint

                                              Doors and windows

建筑幕墙                                        Building curtain wall



                                              Suspended ceiling

管道井、烟道和通风道                Piping shaft, smoke uptake and air shaft

室内环境                                        Indoor environment

                                        Lighting environment


热湿环境                                        Thermal environment

                                        Acoustical environment

给水排水                                        Water supply and drainage

暖通空调                                        Heating ventilating and air conditioning

本标准用词说明                            Explanation of Wording in this standard

引用标准名录                                List of quoted standards










2020年11月25日 15:27