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书山有路勤为径 , 译海无涯精作舟



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(中英文双语对照版)习近平在APEC第二十二次领导人非正式会议上的闭幕辞|Closing Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China at the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting



Closing Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China at the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting


Beijing, 11 November 2014


Dear Colleagues,


Today, we have had thorough and fruitful discussions on the meeting’s theme and three major topics and exchanged views on the vision of Asia-Pacific development and the future direction of APEC cooperation. As a result, we have reached extensive and important consensus. Now I wish to make a brief summary of our discussions.


— We have reviewed the achievements and valuable experience of the APEC in its history of 25 years and discussed the vision and direction for the long-term development of the Asia-Pacific. We resolve to build on past success to move ahead. We agree to, in the spirit of mutual trust, inclusiveness, cooperation and mutual benefit, shape the future through Asia-Pacific partnership and build an open economy in the Asia-Pacific featuring innovative development, interconnected growth and shared interest in a dedicated effort to fulfill the dream of an Asia-Pacific that delivers growth, prosperity and progress to all.


— We are determined to strengthen Asia-Pacific partnership and jointly shape future development, tackle global challenges, build cooperation platforms and pursue interconnected growth. We have adopted two outcome documents: the Beijing Agenda for an Integrated, Innovative and Interconnected Asia-Pacific — the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’ Declaration and Shaping the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership — Statement on the 25th Anniversary of APEC. The two documents lay out the direction, targets and measures for Asia-Pacific economic cooperation.


— We emphasize the importance of regional economic integration as the driving force for ensuring sustained and dynamic growth in the Asia-Pacific region. The APEC should continue to play a leading and coordinating role, help create a new vision for the Asia-Pacific economic integration and work for a regional economic cooperation environment that is open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all. We have decided to start and advance the process of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) and approved the Roadmap for APEC’s Contribution to the Realization of an FTAAP. This is a substantive move we have made towards the FTAAP. It marks the official launch of the FTAAP process and demonstrates the confidence of APEC members in promoting regional economic integration and their commitment. It will take regional economic integration to a new level, deliver gains to all economies on both sides of the Pacific and inject new impetus to the economic growth of the Asia-Pacific and common development of APEC members.


— We have also approved important cooperation initiatives on global value chains, supply chains and capacity building, thus sending a strong message of support for multilateral trading system and the early conclusion of the Doha Round negotiations.


— We realize that with the global economy entering a period of profound, post-global financial crisis readjustment, the Asia-Pacific region must seize the opportunity, meet challenges head on and speed up innovation and reform to create new driving force for the growth of the Asia-Pacific economy and make it more competitive. We have adopted the APEC Accord on Innovative Development, Economic Reform and Growth. We have decided to take economic reform, new economy, innovative growth, inclusive support and urbanization as five pillars, enhance policy coordination and dialogue, promote result-oriented cooperation, experience sharing and capacity building and allow innovation, reform and growth to reinforce one another so as to further consolidate the Asia-Pacific’s position as the engine of the global economy.


— We are resolved to jointly explore development paths and models suited to each member’s conditions, step up exchanges and mutual learning, and identify new ways for the development of the Asia-Pacific so that members of this region will grow together by pursuing diversified development paths. We have opened new horizon in cooperation areas. Major new topics such as leaping over the middle income trap, the Internet economy and urbanization have been added to our agenda; in-depth discussions on them have produced important deliverables. We have carried out vigorous cooperation on anti-corruption in the Asia-Pacific, established APEC's Network of Anti-Corruption Authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies (ACT-NET) and reached important consensus on pursuing fugitives, recovering criminal proceeds and engaging in law enforcement cooperation. We applaud the good progress in cooperation in the blue economy, green economy, sustainable energy, SMEs, health, forestry, mining, food security, tourism, women’s issues and economic issues.


— We fully share the view that enhanced comprehensive infrastructure development and connectivity can generate new sources of growth and increase the competitiveness of the Asia-Pacific, which serves the shared interest and long-term development needs of all APEC member economies. We adopted the APEC Blueprint on Connectivity, which is a milestone in APEC cooperation. We are determined to translate the vision of enhancing hardware, software and people-to-people connectivity into reality by 2025 and meet specific targets that we have jointly agreed upon. Guided by this blueprint, we will step up investment, build a comprehensive, all-round and multi-tiered Asia-Pacific connectivity network, and this will lay a solid foundation of connectivity for the long-term development of the Asia-Pacific.


— We have decided to expand result-oriented cooperation in infrastructure development and financing, promote the public-private partnership model and help our region remove bottlenecks in financing connectivity projects. We highly appreciate the fundamental role of the flow of people in promoting connectivity and have decided to launch new initiatives such as cross-border education, business travel card and cross-border tourism, so as to benefit more people on both sides of the Pacific.


— We have decided to jointly meet such global challenges as pandemic disease, terrorism, natural disaster and climate change. Facing the ravaging Ebola epidemic, APEC leaders are resolved to jointly help African countries effectively handle, prevent and control the spread of the disease, and support the United Nations in leading and coordinating efforts to assist Africa and fight the disease. We will support the people in affected countries overcome difficulties until the final victory against Ebola is won.


Dear Colleagues,


Before I officially close our meeting, I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to you all for the trust you have placed in me and the Chinese government. I thank you for your support, understanding and cooperation during the meeting and for your dedication and contribution to the common development, prosperity and progress of the Asia-Pacific.


This meeting is not the end, but a new beginning. I am deeply convinced that our discussion today is of great significance. Later, when we look back at the history made here today at Yanqi Lake, we can say with pride that we did the right thing.


Good times are always too short; and we will soon say goodbye to each other. After the meeting, I will brief the press on the outcomes and our discussions of the meeting based on the consensus we have reached. Some of you will stay in China for a couple more days. Others will leave soon. I hope you have enjoyed your stay in China, and wish you all a pleasant and safe trip.


I also look forward to meeting you again in Manila next year.


Thank you!



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2020年11月24日 11:38