书山有路勤为径 , 译海无涯精作舟

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书山有路勤为径 , 译海无涯精作舟



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  • “丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”

The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road

  • “团结互信、平等互利、包容互鉴、合作共赢、不同种族、不同信仰、不同文化背景的国家可以共享和平,共同发展”

It is embodied in solidarity and mutual trust, equality and mutual benefit, inclusiveness, a disposition to learn from each other, and cooperation in finding win-win solutions. Underpinning the Silk Road spirit is the understanding that countries with different dominant ethnic groups and different religious and cultural tradition can work together to achieve peace and shared prosperity.

  • “五通”

Five-Pronged Approach

  • “一带一路”倡议来自中国,但成效惠及世界。

The “Belt and Road” initiative originated in China, but it has delivered benefits well beyond its borders.

  • “一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛

The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation

  • “一带一路”建设是开放的、包容的,欢迎世界各国和国际、地区组织积极参与。

The development of the Belt and Road is open and inclusive, and we welcome the active participation of all countries and international and regional organizations in this Initiative.

  • “一带一路”是促进共同发展、实现共同繁荣的合作共赢之路,是增进理解信任、加强全方位交流的和平友谊之路。

The Belt and Road Initiative is a way for win-win cooperation that promotes common development and prosperity and a road towards peace and friendship by enhancing mutual understanding and trust, and strengthening all-round exchanges.

  • “一带一路”是一条互尊互信之路,一条合作共赢之路,一条文明互鉴之路

The Belt and Road cooperation features mutual respect and trust, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, and mutual learning between civilizations.

  • 21世纪海上丝绸之路

21st Century Maritime Silk Road

  • 3年多来,已经有100多个国家和国际组织积 极响应支持,40多个国家和国际组织同中国签署合作协议,“一带一路”的“朋友圈”正在不断扩大。

Since then, over 100 countries and international organizations have given warm responses and support to the initiative. More than 40 countries and international organizations have signed cooperation agreements with China, and our circle of friends along the “Belt and Road” is growing bigger.

  • 博釐亚洲论坛

Boao Forum for Asia

  • 传承和弘扬丝绸之路友好合作精神

Carry forward the spirit of friendly cooperation of the Silk Road

  • 大湄公河次区域(GMS )经济合作

Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) Economic Cooperation

  • 地区合作

Regional cooperation

  • 俄罗斯“欧亚联盟”

Russia: Eurasian Union

  • 俄印伊“北南走廊计划”

Russia-India-Iran: North-South Corridor

  • 发改委

National Development and Reform Commission

  • 发展跨境电子商务

Develop cross-border e-commerce

  • 共建“一带一路”的途径是以目标协调、政策沟通为主,不刻意追求一致性,可高度灵活,富有弹性,是多元开放的合作进程。

The development of the Belt and Road should mainly be conducted through policy communication and objectives coordination. It is a pluralistic and open process of cooperation which can be highly flexible, and does not seek conformity.

  • 共建“一带一路”是中国的倡议,也是中国与沿线国家的共同愿望。

Though proposed by China, the Belt and Road Initiative is a common aspiration of all countries along their routes.

  • 共同打造开放、包容、均衡、普惠的区域经济合作架构

Jointly create an open, inclusive and balanced regional economic cooperation architecture that benefits all

  • 古丝绸之路

The ancient Silk Road

  • 古丝绸之路出现在2100年前的汉代。它是横贯东西,连接欧亚的桥梁。

The Silk Road first emerged more than 2,100 years ago during Han Dynasty. It was a bridge between east and west, opening the door to friendly engagement between China and Central Asia.

  • 瓜达尔港自由区

Gwadar Port Free Zone

  • 国务院

The State Council

  • 哈萨克斯坦“光明之路”

Kazakhstan: “Bright Road” Initiative

  • 韩国“丝绸之路快速铁路”

South Korea: ‘‘Silk Road Express”

  • 和平丝绸之路

Silk Road of Peace

  • 坚持共商、共建、共享原则

Jointly built through consultation to meet the interests of all

  • 坚持和谐包容。倡导文明宽容,尊重各国发展道路和模式的选择,加强不同文明之间的对话,求同存异、兼容并蓄、和平共处、共生共荣。

The Initiative is harmonious and inclusive. It advocates tolerance among civilizations, respects the paths and modes of development chosen by different countries, and supports dialogues among different civilizations on the principles of seeking common ground while shelving differences and drawing on each other’s strengths, so that all countries can coexist in peace for common prosperity.

  • 坚持互利共赢。兼顾各方利益和关切,寻求利益契合点和合作最大公约数,体现各方智慧和创意,各施所长,各尽所能,把各方优势和潜力充分发挥出来。

The Initiative seeks mutual benefit. It accommodates the interests and concerns of all parties involved and seeks a conjunction of interests and the “biggest common denominator” for cooperation so as to give full play to the wisdom and creativity, strengths and potentials of all parties.

  • 坚持开放合作。“一带一路”相关的国家基于但不限于古代丝绸之路的范围,各国和国际、地区组织均可参与,让共建成果惠及更广泛的区域。

The Initiative is open for cooperation. It covers, but is not limited to, the area of the ancient Silk Road. It is open to all countries, and international and regional organizations for engagement, so that the results of the concerted efforts will benefit wider areas.

  • 坚持市场运作。遵循市场规律和国际通行规则,充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用和各类企业的主体作用,同时发挥好政府的作用。

The Initiative follows market operation. It will abide by market rules and international norms, give play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation and the primary role of enterprises, and let the governments perform their due functions.

  • 健康丝绸之路

Silk Road of Health Cooperation

  • 金砖国家开发银行

BRICS New Development Bank

  • 经济走廊

Economic corridor

  • 卡洛特水电站

Karot Hydropower Project

  • 开展教育医疗、减贫开发、生物多样性和生态 环保等各类公益慈善活动

Organize public interest activities concerning education, health care, poverty reduction, biodiversity and ecological protection for the benefit of the general public

  • 科伦坡港口城

Colombo Port City

  • 利益共同体

Community of Shared Interests

  • 联合国“丝绸之路复兴计划”

United Nations: Silk Road Initiative

  • 路线图


  • 绿色丝绸之路

Silk Road of Green Development

  • 贸易畅通

Unimpeded Trade

  • 美国“新丝绸之路计划”

United States: New Silk Road Initiative

  • 蒙古国“草原之路”

Mongolia: “Steppe Road’’ Program

  • 蒙内铁路

Mombasa-Nairobi Railway

  • 孟中印缅经济走廊

Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor

  • 民心相通

Closer People-to-People Ties

  • 命运共同体

Community of a shared future

  • 欧盟“南部能源走廊”

European Union: Southern Gas Corridor

  • 欧亚经济论坛

Euro-Asia Economic Forum

  • 前海合作论坛

Qianhai Cooperation Forum

  • 求同存异

Seek common ground while shelving difference

  • 日本“丝绸之路外交”

Japan: Silk Road Diplomacy

  • 商务部

Ministry of Commerce

  • 上海合作组织

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

  • 设施联通

Connectivity of Infrastructure

  • 时间表


  • 丝绸之路(敦煌)国际文化博览会

The Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Culture Expo

  • 丝绸之路不只是一条商业之路,也是人文社会文化交往的平台,多民族,多种族,多宗教,多文化在此交汇融合。

More than just a trade route, the Silk Road has been a platform for people and cultural exchanges where ethnic, racial, religious and cultural convergence takes place.

  • 丝绸之路国际电影节

Silk Road International Film Festival

  • 丝绸之路经济带

Silk Road Economic Belt

  • 丝绸之路经济带核心区

A core area on the Silk Road Economic Belt

  • 丝绸之路精神: 和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢

The Silk Road Spirit: peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit

  • 丝绸之路图书展

Silk Road International Book Fair

  • 丝路基金

Silk Road Fund

  • 丝路基金是开放的,欢迎亚洲内外投资者加入

The Silk Road fund is an open scheme and welcomes the participation of investors from Asia and beyond.

  • 丝路基金主要领域为能源与电力,交通与电信、农村与农业设施,水供应和污水处理系统,环境保护,城市发展与物流。

The Silk Road fund will invest in energy and electricity, transport, telecommunications, rural and agricultural infrastructure, water supply and sewerage, environmental protection, urban development and logistics.

  • 丝路精神

Spirit of the Silk Road

  • 塑造和谐友好的文化生态和舆论环境

Foster harmonious and friendly cultural environment and public opinion

  • 推进“一带一路”建设,中国将充分发挥国内各地区比较优势,实行更加积极主动的开放战略,加强东中西互动合作,全面提升开放型经济水平。

In advancing the Belt and Road Initiative, China will fully leverage the comparative advantages of its various regions, adopt a proactive strategy of further opening-up, strengthen interaction and cooperation among the eastern, western and central regions, and comprehensively improve the openness of the Chinese economy.

  • 推进“一带一路”建设工作领导小组

Steering Group for the Belt and Road Initiative

  • 外交部

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • 消除投资和贸易壁垄

Remove investment and trade barriers

  • 新亚欧大陆桥

New Eurasian Land Bridge

  • 雅万铁路

Jakarta-Bandung Railway

  • 亚的斯一阿达玛高速公路

Addis Ababa-Adama Expressway

  • 亚欧会议

Asia-Europe Meeting

  • 亚太地区

Asia-Pacific Region

  • 亚太经合组织

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

  • 亚信会议

Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA)

  • 亚洲合作对话

Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD)

  • 亚洲基础设施投资银行

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

  • 亚洲开发银行

Asian Development Bank

  • 一带一路倡议是为了促进中国-东盟海上的合作和构建更加紧密的命运共同体。

The Belt and Road initiative aims to boost China-ASEAN maritime cooperation and forge closer ties in community of a shared future.

  • 一带一路建设不是中国的后花园而是百花园;不是中国的独奏曲而是各方的协奏曲。

The Belt and Road is an undertaking shared by many, rather than being driven by China alone; the process of creating such a network is a collaborative undertaking rather than a solo performance by China.

  • 一带一路提议

The Belt and Road Initiative

  • 印度“季风计划”

India: Project Mausam

  • 责任共同体

Community of Shared Responsibility

  • 政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通

Policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people bonds

  • 政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相同

Policy coordination, connectivity of infrastructure and facilities, unimpeded trade, financial integration and closer people-people ties”

  • 政策沟通

Policy Coordination

  • 政府机构

Government agency

  • 智力丝绸之路

Silk Road of Innovation

  • 中阿合作论坛

China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF)

  • 中巴经济走廊

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

  • 中白工业园

China-Belarus Industrial Park

  • 中非合作论坛

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

  • 中国-阿拉伯博览会

China-Arab States Expo

  • 中国-东盟

“10+1” ASEAN Plus China (10+1)

  • 中国-东盟博览会

China-ASEAN Expo

  • 中国-俄罗斯博览会

China-Russia Expo

  • 中国国际投资贸易洽谈会

China International Fair for Investment and Trade

  • 中国-海合会战略对话

China-Gulf Cooperation Council Strategic Dialogue

  • 中国进出口银行

China EXIM Bank

  • 中国开发银行

China Development Bank

  • 中国-南亚博览会

China-South Asia Expo

  • 中国西部国际博览会

Western China International Fair

  • 中国-亚欧博览会

China-Eurasia Expo

  • 中国一东盟“10+1”机制

China-ASEAN (10+1) Cooperation Mechanism

  • 中国一海合会战略对话

China-Gulf Cooperation Council Strategic Dialogue

  • 中国一中东欧国家合作

Cooperation Between China and Central and Eastern European Countries

  • 中国一中南半岛经济走廊

China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor

  • 中国一中亚一西亚经济走廊

China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor

  • 中国政府倡议,秉持和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共贏的理念,全方位推进务实合作,打造政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的利益共同体、命运共同体和责任共同体。

The Chinese government advocates peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit. It promotes practical cooperation in all fields, and works to build a community of shared interests, destiny and responsibility featuring mutual political trust, economic integration and cultural inclusiveness.

  • 中老铁路

China-Laos Railway

  • 中蒙俄经济走廊

China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor

  • 中欧班列

China Railway Express to Europe

  • 中泰铁路

China-Thailand Railway

  • 中亚区域经济合作

Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC)

  • 驻XXXXX中国大使馆

China Embassy in XXXXX

  • 资金融通

Financial Integration

2020年4月7日 11:36