书山有路勤为径 , 译海无涯精作舟

钟灵翻译 , 译贯中西


书山有路勤为径 , 译海无涯精作舟



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(中英文双语对照版)演员聘用合同示范文本(试行)|Model Contract for the Employment of Actors (Trial)




Model Contract for the Employment of Actors (Trial)


制定:中国广播视社会组织联合会,中 国 网 络 视 听 节 目 服 务 协 会

Formulated by China Federation of Radio and Television Associations and China Netcasting Services Association


           Instructions for Use



I. This is a model contract for the employment of actors in TV plays and network plays, which is used in the conclusion of an employment contract between the producer/manufacturer of a TV play or network play and the actors and brokerage companies/studios authorized by the actors.


II. The parties to the contract shall read the contents of the contract carefully before the signing of the contract, especially those optional, supplementary, filling and modified contents.


III. The parties to the contract shall select optional clauses of the contract text according to the specific conditions, and agree on the supplementary contents or delete such clause in the blank brackets. The parties to the contract may also modify, add or delete the contents of the clauses, but shall not arbitrarily mitigate or exempt them from their legal responsibilities. After the contract is signed and comes into effect, the unmodified text shall be deemed as the contents agreed by the parties.


IV. For the contents to be selected and filled involved in the contract, the handwritten items shall prevail.


V. Before the contract is signed, the producer/manufacturer of a TV play and network play shall present the corresponding qualification or supporting documents such as the Radio and TV Program Production and Business Operation License, and the Business License (or Certificate of Legal Person of Institution and Certificate of Registration for Private Non-enterprise Entities). The brokerage companies/studios and the actors themselves shall present the business licenses, identity certification documents and other corresponding qualification or certification documents.

知晓愿意格遵《国广播视总关于进步加广播视和络视文艺目管的通《国家广播电总局公厅于进步加文艺目及人员的通关文及精员片比例最高片准限在合的制成本围内。各知晓愿意格遵中国广播电电视会组织联会电制片员会广播影电社会织联会演委员电视制作业协网络听节目服协会电视网络制作本配比例意见演员总片不超制作成本的 40其中要演不超演员片酬的70演员低于员总酬的30%。

VI. The parties understand and are willing to strictly abide by the Notice of the National Radio and Television Administration on Further Strengthening the Management of Radio and Television and Network Audio-Visual Cultural and Entertainment Programs, the Notice of the General Office of the National Radio and Television Administration on Further Strengthening the Management of Cultural and Entertainment Programs And Personnel, as well as other relevant documents and spirits, and restrict the remuneration proportion of actors and maximum remuneration standard to a reasonable range of production costs. The parties understand and are willing to strictly abide by the requirements of the Opinions on Distribution Proportion of Production Costs for TV Plays and Network Plays released by China Alliance of Radio, Film and Television Production Committee, the Actors Committee of China Federation of Radio and Television Associations, China Television Drama Production Industry Association, and China Netcasting Services Association. The total remuneration of all actors shall not exceed 40% of the total production costs. Among them, the total remuneration of the main actors shall not exceed 70% of that of the actors and the total remuneration of other actors shall be not less than 30% of that of the actors. 


VII. According to the requirements of relevant departments of the state, the parties understand and agree that the labor contract on remuneration for actors shall be signed in writing in their own name, which shall not be an after-tax income contract. It is not allowed to sign the consulting, planning and other contracts for splitting the remuneration in the name of close relatives or other related parties who have nothing to do with the performing activities. The service income such as the remuneration for a movie actor shall not be paid in cash. It is not allowed to conceal income in the form of disguised payments such as equity, real estate, jewelry, calligraphy and painting, and collections. It is required to strictly distinguish between personal income from business income of studios and company income. The employment contract for actors shall list the distribution of remuneration and corresponding contractual obligations between the brokerage companies/studios and the actors themselves.


VIII. The parties shall fulfill the statutory obligations such as paying taxes according to law and withholding and remitting taxes in strict accordance with the national tax laws and regulations. The actors shall conduct tax declaration and payment by themselves according to relevant regulations. In case the parties violate relevant provisions of the national tax laws and regulations, they shall bear the corresponding legal liabilities according to law. In case of any discrepancy between the relevant clauses of the contract and the provisions of national tax laws and regulations or the State Taxation Administration, the national tax laws and regulations or the relevant provisions of the State Taxation Administration shall prevail.


IX. The text of this contract is formulated by China Federation of Radio and Television Associations and China Netcasting Services Association.






2022年5月10日 16:45