书山有路勤为径 , 译海无涯精作舟

钟灵翻译 , 译贯中西


书山有路勤为径 , 译海无涯精作舟



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Most nations have some form of central banks that serve as the key authority forto handle the financial matters affairs of a nation. The main responsiblities of these banks include implementing monetary policies for providing keeping consistency between economic growth and employment consistency, promoting stability in financial system of the nation, controllingcurrency the production and distribution of currency, as well asalong with informing people of the overall economic state statusof people from economy through the release of economic statistic datastatistics publishing. This paper focuses on a wide range of responsibilities followed assumed by one central bank that is the Federal Reserve System of U.S. The monetary policy toolsies implemented by that the bank implements are of much importance and play an immanent role for the development of society.

Central banks have a wider range of responsibilities set ranging from overseeing the policy purpose of monetary purpose policies and to implementing the particular goals such as the stability of the currency, lower rates of inflation and complete employment.

Central bank is a national bank which helps in providing services related to finance and banking related services for the government and commercial banking system of a nation, along with implementation ofimplementing monetary policiesy of the government, and issuing the currenciesy issuing. From this perspective, it is an entity responsible to for overseeing a nation’s the monetary system of a nation. Generally, central banks also issue currencies, perform government bank functions, regulate the system for crediting, oversee the banks commercially, and manage the reserves for exchange.






2020年10月27日 17:55