第一部分 合同协议书
Part I Contract Agreement
The Employer (full name):
The Contractor (full name):
根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》及有关法律规定,遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,双方就 工程施工及有关事项协商一致,共同达成如下协议:
In accordance with the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Construction Law of the People’s Republic of China and the other relevant laws and regulations, the parties hereto have entered into this Agreement on the construction of the project for and relevant matters through consensus under the principle of equality, voluntariness, fairness and good faith for mutual compliance:
I. Project Overview
1. 工程名称:
Name of project:
2. 工程地点:
Location of project:
3. 工程立项批准文号:
Approval document number for establishment of project:
4. 资金来源: 企业自筹 。
Source of funds: Raised by the enterprise itself
5. 工程内容: 桩基础工程 。
Content of project: Pile foundation work
For a group project, A Schedule of the Construction Projects Undertaken by the Contractor (Annex 1) shall be enclosed herewith.
6. 工程承包范围:桩基础工程、基坑支护、主体结构土建、主体钢结构工程、工艺钢结构、屋面墙面工程、给排水、采暖通风、照明电、附属房屋及室外工程等 (详工程量清单).
Scope of contracting for the project: Pile foundation works, foundation pit support, civil work of main structure, main steel structure works, process steel structure, roof and wall cladding works, water supply and drainage, heating and ventilation, lighting power, outbuildings and external works (as detailed in the bill of quantities).
II. Project Duration under Contract
计划开工日期: 年 月 日。
Planned commencement date: .
计划竣工日期: 年 月 。
Planned completion date: .
工期总日历天数: 天。工期总日历天数与根据前述计划开竣工日期计算的工期天数不一致的,以工期总日历天数为准。
Total number of calendar days of project duration: days. In case of any inconsistency between the total number of calendar days of project duration and the number of days calculated on the basis of the above planned commencement /completion date, the former shall prevail.
III. Quality Standard
工程质量符合 标准。
The quality of the project shall meet the standard.
IV. Contract Price and Form of Contract Price
1.签约合同价为:人民币(大写) (¥ 元);
Contract price: RMB (in words): (¥ Yuan);
(1)安全文明施工费:人民币(大写) (¥ 元);
Costs of safe and civilized construction: RMB (in words): (¥ Yuan);
(2)材料和工程设备暂估价金额:人民币(大写) (¥ 元);
Provisional valuation amount of the materials and engineering equipment: RMB (in words): (¥ Yuan);
(3)专业工程暂估价金额:人民币(大写) (¥ 元);
Provisional valuation amount of professional works: RMB (in words): (¥ Yuan);
(4)暂列金额:人民币(大写) (¥ 元);
Provisional sum: RMB (in words): (¥ Yuan);
2.合同价格形式: 。
Form of contract price: .
Ⅴ. Project Manager
承包人项目经理: 。
Project Manager of the Contractor: .